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Introducing...NEW Watermelon Seed Butter // Top 5 Superfood Benefits


While most of us have experienced the refreshment and deliciousness that is watermelon fruit, the seeds are not typically something we give much thought to, let alone value as a source of nutrition. Until now.

We have just untapped the nutritional wonders of watermelon seeds for the benefit of all with our brand new Dastony Watermelon Seed Butter made with 100% peeled, organic, raw watermelon seeds. We use our signature low-temperature stone grinding process to preserve and maximize their nutritional benefits. 

Top 5 Superfood Benefits of Watermelon Seeds

1. Zinc  - pumpkin seeds step aside - there's a new zinc-loaded superfood in town. Zinc is perhaps most well known for having a very positive impact on our immune system. It is also critical for DNA synthesis, cell division, and cellular repair, and it is found in good amounts within watermelon seeds

2. Magnesium - just 100 grams (or 3.5oz) of watermelon seeds offers the body 139% of the RDA for this critical mineral. Magnesium is vital for optimal heart function, helps relax the muscles and prevent cramping, improves digestion and elimination, helps strengthen bones, and helps lower high blood pressure. It also happens to be a nutrient that many of us are low on. 

3. Iron - another critical mineral, iron helps our cells stay oxygenated and helps prevent anemia, and just 1 handful of watermelon seeds contain .29 mg of iron. While it seems like a minute amount, we don't need much - in fact the FDA recommends adults get only 18 mg total per day.

4. Essential Amino Acids - watermelon seeds contain essential amino acids such as tryptophan, arginine, lysine, and glutamic acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and aid in tissue repair, muscle strength, balanced metabolism, and immunity.

5. The Good Fats - the fats within watermelon seeds are both monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. These heart-healthy fats are recommended by the American Heart Association for protecting against heart attack, stroke, and lowering bad cholesterol levels within the blood.

So, What's It Taste Like?

You'll be amazed at what happens when peeled watermelon seeds are stone ground at low temperatures into a silky smooth seed butter. We've harnessed the nutrition of watermelon seeds and created an innovative spread that can be used just as you would any other seed or nut butter. The taste is creamy with hints of sweet cashew and earthy sesame. WSB&J anyone? A great superfood alternative to nut butters, and very allergy-friendly.


Ready to give it a try? Save 25% on an order of Dastony Watermelon Seed Butter on our retail site at RawGuru.com with code WATERMELON now through Sunday 3/6! Shop HERE. Enjoy! 
