We all know that calcium is a critical mineral when it comes to stengthening our bones in all stages of life, and preventing bone loss as we age. However, many are still under the unfortunate impression that eating animal products, such as dairy, is still the best way to meet their RDA.
While food manufacturers everywhere have scrambled in recent years to keep up with a growing demand for clean food products, it would appear that the health supplement industry is a little late to get the memo...
Today we are kicking off a new ongoing series that we'll be featuring on both social media and the blog...TESTIMONIAL TUESDAYS! We've been seeing so many amazing and unscripted reviews these days on Instagram - and wanted to hightlight one every week!
At Windy City Organics we truly pride ourselves in our unique formulas which are pure, simple, and additive-free. This is something that sets us apart from many food manufacturers, even within the organic industry. If you're reading this blog or are already a user and lover of our products you're likely very keen on ingredients - which to look for and which to avoid.